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Re: SV: Europa-List: Re: wing lift/drag pins

Subject: Re: SV: Europa-List: Re: wing lift/drag pins
From: Frans Veldman <>
Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2013 16:36:41

On 07/01/2013 04:21 PM, Sidsel & Svein Johnsen wrote:
> This has been an interesting discussion, but it appears to me that it
> got off-track somewhere because "forward" has two meanings (see the
> attached illustrations):

How does an autogyro (autocopter?) work? What is causing the blades to
move forward?

> A glider is
> propelled by the forward  in the direction of flight  component of
> the aircrafts WEIGHT only.

Ok, got it. But without wings (but still with the majority of the
weight) will the glider still be propelled forwards? I guess not.
Then what exactly is exercising a forward pulling force on the glider's
fuselage? The fuselage has only drag. So something must be pulling it


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