Agreed..................=0A-=0AWe will all be able to criticise another a
ircraft if we want too, there but for the grace of God go I=0A-=0Afrom th
e other one!=0A=0ASent to you from David
=0A=0A________________________________=0A From: graeme bird <graeme@gdbmk.>=0ATo: =0ASent: Saturday, 6 July 2013, 20:2
4=0ASubject: Europa-List: Re: Outside aircraft=0A =0A=0A--> Europa-List me
ssage posted by: "graeme bird" <>=0A=0AI can't understand
the motivation for these threads, this and the one re G KITS, unless I am
being thick it sounds like someone has wandered up to someone elses plane s
een letters faded etc and proceeded to have a public, in print for all time
, slagging off of it and its state. Is this a good way to carry on? This do
esnt sound like the europa forum to me. Even if there were facts rather tha
n views it wouldnt be fair.=0A=0A--------=0AGraeme Bird=0AG-UMPY=0AMono Cla
ssic/XS 912S/Woodcomp 3000/3W=0ANewby: 75 hours 18 months
uk=0A=0A=0A=0A=0ARead this topic online here:=0A=0Ahttp://forums.matronics.