On 22/07/2013 10:59, DAVID JOYCE wrote:
> Rowland
> Speak to Graham Singleton he has a mod and plans for how to do this, I
> am also in the process of doing with the addition of putting in
> aluminium lines to the bulkhead .
> rgds
> David
> The other one
> */Sent to you from David Joyce
> www.eastmidsspas.com
> /*
> *From:* Rowland Carson <rowlandcarson@gmail.com>
> *To:* Europa e-mail list list <europa-list@matronics.com>
> *Sent:* Sunday, 21 July 2013, 22:09
> *Subject:* Europa-List: andair gascolator query
> <rowlandcarson@gmail.com <mailto:rowlandcarson@gmail.com>>
> I've got an Andair GAS375-M gascolator that I plan to fit in the same
> compartment as the electric fuel pump. Obviously it is desirable to
> have it mounted with the bottom near the bottom skin of the fuselage
> so that the drain can be easily activated. However, it's necessary
> also to have room to remove the bowl. That means cutting an access
> hole in the bottom skin. Has anyone already got a LAA mod number that
> includes that sort of thing?
> I suppose (plan B) it would also be possible to mount the gascolator
> sufficiently high that the bowl could be removed from inside the
> aircraft, but that would mean the drain would be a long way from the
> fuselage floor and so not easy to operate from outside. Maybe it could
> also be operated from inside if the sample cup is small enough?
> Any thoughts?
> in friendship
> Rowland
> | Rowland Carson ... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...
> | <rowlandcarson@gmail.com <mailto:rowlandcarson@gmail.com>>
> http://www.rowlandcarson.org.uk/
> | Skype, Twitter: rowland_carson Facebook: Rowland Carson
> | pictures: http://w.com/" = -->
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> <http://www.matronics.com/contribution>
> *
> *
Hi David I am interested to install aluminium fuel circuit in my monowheel.
Where do you buy components, tube and connectors ?