Fred=0Aagree with you.=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A________________________________=0A
From: Fred Klein <>=0ATo:
=0ASent: Monday, 29 July 2013, 6:39=0ASubject: Re: Europa-List: Is bonding
FL16 to fuse a bad idea?=0A =0A=0A=0ARon...see indented comments...Fred=0A
=0A=0AOn Jul 28, 2013, at 8:51 PM, rparigoris wrote:=0A=0AI'm thinking pret
ty hard I want to bond both of my FL16s to my fuse with Bondo. The FL16s ar
e the hinge arms that get mounted to the flap cross tube with two fasteners
.=0A>=0AAfter looking at the build manual and my own photos taken during co
nstruction, it's my opinion that bonding the FL16s to the fuselage w/ bondo
is not a good idea...I believe the key for this step is to ensure that the
bolt holes in the FL18s are perfectly aligned w/ those in the W19s...if yo
u want to trial fit the FL16s, do so as long as you can ensure the FL18s ar
e shimmed in perfect alignment and don't move...once the FL18s are reduxed
in place and bolted thru the fuse and you've dispensed w/ the alignment str
ing, bolting the FL16s to the FL18s is straightforward.-=0A=0A=0A>You see
if these FL16s are temporarily bonded in position, once my FL18P + S are t
emporarily bonded to a piece of wood, then I goop them up with Redux/flox,
set into position and I can insert actual pivot hardware between FL18P+ S a
nd FL16s to make sure pivot hole alignment is perfect with inboard W19 flap
hinges.=0A>=0A=0AMaybe I'm missing something, but this sounds -backwards
...the FL18s should determine the location of the hinge point w/ the FL16s.
..not the other way around.=0A=0A>Question:=0A>Is a bad idea? =0AI think so
=0A=0A=0AOr is there an easier way?=0A>=0AFollow the manual and align the F
L18s as shown in my pixs...but when I say "follow the manual", I certainly
do NOT recommend following the SEQUENCE of operations shown in the manual;
namely, to do this whole flap installation AFTER the top is bonded on...I u
nderstand that you HAVE already bonded on your top and...for the life of me
...I simply cannot imagine having to deal with what you're facing...You hav
e my most sincere condolences...though I presume that you have yet to insta
ll the baggage bay rear bulkhead...I give a hearty salute to anyone who has
managed to install the flap mechanism AFTER the top has been bonded on the
bottom fuselage.=0A=0AI did my damnedest to do absolutely EVERYTHING I cou
ld possibly do in the tailcone BEFORE bonding on the top and bonding in the
...of course I used many many clecoes to ensure that trial fitting of the
top was skookum (in perfect alignment).=0A=0A=0AI just turned two aluminium
bushings that center sewing thread in the .1875 ' diameter holes of W19s.
Using a mini center drill and a finer pressure only drill chuck, drilling t
he .0145" holes was a piece of cake.=0A>=0A=0AYou be the Zen master Ron...w
ith what you're facing, being a yoga master wouldn't hurt either,=0A=0A=0AF