Ron...sorry for the confusion...what's missing from my photo sequence is a shot
showing the FL18 (still temp. glued to the wood) set in the bed of Redux/flox.
The "goop" was quite stiff. I did NOT bondo the wood to the fuse bottom. After
placing the FL18s in the goop, I ran the string, tapped the wood/FL18 assembly
into alignment, and let it cure...Bob's your Uncle...Fred
On Jul 29, 2013, at 8:50 AM, rparigoris wrote:
> Craig, Thx. for the reply.
> Fred, I'm still unclear on how you reproduced the alignment for the cure once
you gooped things up and set into position.
> I think you had the wood bonded to the aluminium beforehand. Then I think you
gooped up the bonding surface with Redux/flox and set into position. From your
last reply, perhaps then you strung the string, with things gooped up, got
centered on the string, then put Bondo on the wood to fuse to hold in place
for cure? Perhaps Redux/flox was thick enough you just aligned and let it
cure on its own?
> Ron Parigoris
> Read this topic online here: