I am still on way back from osh but will try make it. Hitting several friend
s and relatives on way home! sure would be fun.
Sent from Iphone
On Aug 5, 2013, at 7:34 AM, Kevin Klinefelter <klinefelter.kevin@gmail.com> w
> Dave, the dates are Aug. 16,17,18. Can you make it?
> Kevin
> On Aug 4, 2013, at 10:41 PM, "David DeFord" <deford.dave@gmail.com> wrote:
>> It seems that we have more of an issue with the timing than the interest.
I already have plans that I can't alter to be at McMinnville and environs b
etween August 20 and 23, and I just saw Erich Trombley (914 mono) yesterday a
t Livermore on his way back to Las Vegas from McMinnville! With a bit longe
r notice, maybe we can attract a larger crowd.
>> Dave DeFord
>> N135TD
>> From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com [mailto:owner-europa-list-se
rver@matronics.com] On Behalf Of Fred Klein
>> Sent: Sunday, August 04, 2013 8:05 AM
>> To: europa-list@matronics.com
>> Subject: Europa-List: DOTH USA - McMinnville, OR - 2013
>> ...make that August 16, 17, & 18 !!...ok...so it's not quite a "drop of t
he hat" UK situation...but we all have much further to go...
>> Let's not let 2013 slip away w/o a US-Europa gathering...so here's an ide
a...who's up for it?
>> McMinnville, OR, 50 miles SW of Portland, features a world class aviation
museum including Howard Hughes' Spruce Goose, an SR-71, B-17, and many more
aircraft of significance.
>> http://www.evergreenmuseum.org/
>> Not widely publicized, McMinnville has a campground just off of the Alpha
taxiway at the SW end of runway 22. You can park your airplane in the camp a
rea. No "conveniences" except for running water. But you are within walking d
istance of the airport office that has restrooms and coffee. Of course, free
shuttle service to the Evergreen Aviation Museum, home of the Spruce Goose.
It's a very impressive museum. No camping fee. Very friendly and helpful fo
lks at the airport office.
>> http://www.adventurepilot.com/Default.aspx?tabid=125&destinationType=
>> ...also hotels / motels in the vicinity...we'll have a couple of cars to r
un shuttles to & from...
>> Local Europa builder, Greg Fuchs, sez the month of August is optimal flyi
ng season for Oregon.
>> As always, nothing ventured, nothing gained...spread the word to Europa o
wners who may not monitor europa-list,
>> Fred
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