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Re: Europa-List: Navaid Servo

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Navaid Servo
From: Jeffrey Roberts <>
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 08:48:40
I have a navaid servo with a trio head. They provide the adapter to your 
servo and I'm sure you'll love the Trio head much better than the 
navaid!!! Lots more features and much more accurate. It's worked perfect 
for me for 5 years!
Jeff R. N128LJ Gold Rush / FOR SALE

 believe that the Trio servo is compatible. Give them a call

On Monday, August 19, 2013, Kelvin Cobb wrote:

Hi, I know it's a long shot but does anyone on the forum have any idea 
where I can get a navaid servo? I have the AP-1 head already 
installed/linked to the GPS, but unfortunately there was no sign of the 
servo when I purchased the aircraft.....

Any help gratefully received.

Kelvin (G-BZAM)

Sent from my iPad

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