Rowland, imho the tapes on the rear bukhead are required, can be high loads
on the fin=0Aat times (spin recovery for one) which will put a lot of tors
ion into the fuselage.=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A_____________________________
___=0A From: Rowland Carson <>=0ATo: Europa e-mail l
ist list <> =0ASent: Thursday, 29 August 2013, 15:
16=0ASubject: Europa-List: build manual discrepancy=0A =0A=0A--> Europa-Lis
t message posted by: Rowland Carson <>=0A=0AI have g
enerally regarded the PDF versions of the manuals available on the factory
website as most up-to-dat and reliable, but I've just noticed a discrepancy
that makes me doubt that conventional wisdom.=0A=0AOn page 23M-9 (issue 2)
of the PDF (files dating from both 2005 & 2008), it describes applying BID
tapes to the joint between the fuselage upper and lower mouldings along th
e top of the firewall. But my paper manual (also marked issue 2 but dated O
ctober 1999) also calls for tapes along the rear top edge of the rear bulkh
ead (in the base of the fin).=0A=0ADoes anyone know why the later manual om
its the BID tapes on the rear bulkhead? And is it safe to do so?=0A=0A(Thin
ks - maybe I'll ask Andy if I see him on Saturday at the Rally.)=0A=0Ain fr
iendship=0A=0ARowland=0A=0A| Rowland Carson- - - - - ... that's R
owland with a 'w' ...=0A| <>- - - - - -| Skype, Twitter: rowland_carson- -
- Facebook: Rowland Carson=0A| pictures: