Alan, As a point of interest one of he (rarely) fatal
ditchings in the UK was said by the AAIB to be due to a
fly blocking he carburettor jet! Regards, David Joyce,
"Alan Carter" <> wrote:
> Hi all.
> Many thanks for replies, Lots to choose from.
> Personally I am not keen on jerry cans, maybe safer in
>transporting, but I like plastic possibly cleaner inside.
>however I have seen many use jerry cans without problems.
> I always use a filter, I have a plastic one that fits
>quit tightly into the filler hole, What I do notice in
>the filter after refilling is insects ie a small flies.
> I suppose one of these could block the jets, ???
> So recommend using a filter,
> They was a post saying filter as you refill you cann at
>the pumps, sounded a good idea to me, till I remembered
>the flies.
> Regards.
> Alan
> Read this topic online here: