> Subject: Europa-List: Fuselage weakness=2C or intentional ??
> From: tonyrenshaw268@gmail.com
> Date: Sun=2C 6 Oct 2013 16:07:17 +1100
> To: europa-list@matronics.com
> Gidday=2C
> Whilst working around in the lower fuse it has concerned me that my fusel
age has what appears to be an intentional absence of core material such tha
t an obvious weakness exists in the fuselage directly above the penetration
s for the flap drive cross tube. Has anyone externally reinforced this area
=2C by adding core material and strapping it in place=2C encapsulating it
=2C and resulting in a conventional sandwich construction concept?
> Regards
> Tony Renshaw
> Using Skitch on Mac for photo work.