They do count.
Kevin Challis
On 8 Oct 2013, at 21:55, "Alan Carter" <> wrote:
> Hi Paul.
> This is getting a bit confusing, I have thousands of hours on instruments, and
at my age I only fly in good weather, and have no intension of flying in IMC
in a Europa, and I do have the Placard in the aircraft.
> Its is not me doing the IMC Rating, its another pilot, or other pilots.
> I was only trying to be helpful in pointing out that the hours towards an IMC
rating carried out on a Europa may not count towards the rating.
> So better check it out. I see no reason why you cannot practice instrument
> flying
with a check pilot or instructor, but I don,t think ? the hours will count
towards the rating, ??? Its not for me to find out.
> Alan
> Read this topic online here: