Jim and Heather,
I hope you succeed in getting motorglider ability with your Mono-wheel. I still
dream of long wings for mine.(let me know if you decide to sell them).
Perhaps you could change to electric flaps? Or some kind of quick release to get
the flap rod clearance needed when the long wings are on.
Last week I shut down my 914 at 16,000 and feathered the Airmaster for a long
Not sure what the L/D is but it seems pretty decent to this old Hang Glider
pilot. Did my first engine off landing too.
Dave, have you ever computed the L/D of your long wings?
N211KA 550 hours
On Oct 17, 2013, at 5:12 AM, "h&jeuropa" <butcher43@att.net> wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> We have a mono airplane & bought the glider wings to be able to switch between
airplane & motorglider. We have 500 hours on the airplane but haven't done
much work on the glider wings.
> We started Mod 78 and completed laying up the ropes (2 people can do 1 spar in
a long day). Be sure to use Bud Yerly's notes in addition to the instructions
---From Europa. We had to redo the first spar because the orientation of the
mold was not clear & we had the bump up instead of down. Clearance is very
> After that, at Bud's suggestion, we checked clearances using the intensifier
board as a template and found that the new wing spar will not fit - it contacts
the flap actuator rod. This is only an issue for the mono airplane
(flaps actuated with gear retraction). Apparently the factory tested the
mod on a pure mono glider and on a tri-gear airplane but not on a mono airplane.
> Because we (like you) don't want to screw up the wonderful flying
> characteristics
of our Europa, and we have the added issue of re-engineering the flap actuator
rod, we have stopped work on Mod 78 and are thinking of selling the glider
> Jim & Heather Butcher
> N241BW
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=410737#410737