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Europa-List: Fwd: FW: GAR Forms [Protective Marking: RESTRICTED]

Subject: Europa-List: Fwd: FW: GAR Forms [Protective Marking: RESTRICTED]
From: David Joyce <>
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 13:48:46

As you will see from this email below the UK Border Force 
have now stated absolutely clearly that a GAR form is 
required when flying into the UK regardless of whether you 
are flying into a 'Customs' airport, with 4hrs notice from 
EU and more from other places.  I will update the club 
website shortly.
Regards, David Joyce, G- XSDJ

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From: "Vandervord Richard (Border Force)" 
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Subject: FW: GAR Forms  [Protective Marking: RESTRICTED]
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Dear Mr Joyce

In fact there have been no changes to the notification requirements and it
 is a misconception (admittedly a quite widely-held one) that arrival at a
 Designated location means that advance notice is not required. Requiremen
ts are the same at all locations: 24 hours for flights to & from non-EU lo
cations, 4 hours for flights from EU locations and 12 hours for flights to
 & from Channel Islands, Northern Ireland and IOM.

We in the UK are unique in allowing EU flights to arrive at any airfield r
ight down to private strips, but the concept of Designated airports has be
come obsolete as many of these are no longer manned by Border Force staff.
 There have been a number of consultations with the GA industry representa
tive bodies recently to discuss the issue of advance reporting times, and 
consideration is being given to reducing this at those locations where the
re is a permanent Border Force presence. The outcome of these negotiations
 and revision of Designated status will be publicised fully as appropriate

Best regards

Richard Vandervord

HIO, GA/DB Teams
Border Force Intelligence Directorate ~ Aviation
Border Force
Custom House, London Heathrow Airport, TW6 2LA
Concorde 2000, London Gatwick Airport, RH6 0LX
Tel: + 44 (0)20 3014-5677
----- + 44 (0)1293 622016
Mobile:- +44 (0)7920 233481
24 hour: +44 (0)7017 400146

-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: 20 October 2013 12:56
Subject: FW: GAR Forms [Protective Marking: RESTRICTED]

-----Original Message-----
From: David Joyce [] 
Sent: 20 October 2013 12:55
Subject: GAR Forms 

Dear Sirs, I have recently been informed via AOPA that the 
long established system of GA aircraft being able to fly 
back to the UK from the EU without submitting a GAR form 
as long as they land at designated customs airfields such 
as Lydd, has been withdrawn by the UK Border Force, and 
that large fines are potentially threatening those who 
fail to realise this. I would be very grateful if you 
could confirm whether this is so and whether this is a 
permanent measure. My interest in this is that I 'own' the 
website pages for our flying club 
( that give guidance to those 
flying abroad and if this is the case I clearly need to 
alter the current wording. Regards, David Joyce

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