Tony, if it really is just a fuel flow instrument you want
the FS450 with 2 Floscan transducers is or at least was
the best, but I would now go for an engine monitoring
system which includes fuel flow rather than a lot of
seperate instruments. An EIS will tell you as soon as
anything departs from your preset norms, rather than you
having to keep looking at lots of dials and potentially
missing that plane on a converging course. That is to say
that you have the chance of designing your panel so as to
minimize the time you need to spend looking at it
Regards, David Joyce, G - XSDJ
Tony Renshaw <> wrote:
> Gidday,
> Could I please request input of the preferred brands of
>Fuel Flow Indicators currently in favour that cope well
>with a second transducer in calculating the 914 usage? I
>am working on my panel layout and it would be handy to
>tighten up in my thinking what is the best option.
> Regards
> Tony Renshaw
> Sent from my iPad