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Re: Europa-List: aileron and flap close outs

Subject: Re: Europa-List: aileron and flap close outs
From: Nigel Graham <>
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 14:35:21

I'm not sure if its general practice but I did it to both the flaps and 
ailerons. Makes for a neat end with a very clean gap and eliminates the 
eddies. I just tapped the flap end-on to the prepared foam to print the 
exact profile before cutting - easy.


On 21/10/2013 13:26, William Daniell wrote:
> Has anyone filled these?  Is this the general practice?
> I am thinking that the hollow area of the close out should be filled 
> with something light like blue foam.
> Will
> *
> *

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