=0AThanks Steve,=0AYes I had the 'add on vent inside' on pre
vious aircraft but that was quite a bit of work and the
large eyeball vents are also expensive.=0APete=0A=0A=0A=0A-----Origina
l Message-----=0AFrom: Steven Pitt <steven.pitt2@ntlworld.com>=0ATo: e
uropa-list@matronics.com=0ASent: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 22:08=0ASubject: R
e: Europa-List: Cockit ventilation=0A=0A=0APete - it may not be
what you are looking for but Ian Rickard's add on vent to
the inside gets rid of the cold knee syndrome and stops wa
ter weeping through the NACA vents. Using the eyeball vent i
nside it also gives you a modicum or directionality.=0ASee my
aircraft when you get home.=0ASteve =0A=0A----- Original Message
----- =0AFrom: pjeffers@talktalk.net =0ATo: europa-list@matronics.com
=0ASent: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 9:15 PM=0ASubject: Europa-List:
Cockit ventilation=0A=0A=0AHi,=0AI have recently become the owner
of a Tri Gear Europa and have already found the need fo
r better flight deck ventilation. I have been looking at
various devices to solve this requirement and wondered what si
mple solutions others had found. =0AThe side Europa NACA vents
are effective at cooling my knees but not much good for
anything else, and they have fallen apart with winter approach
ing. Psssst=0AI have been looking at the 'ULTIMATE VENTILATOR'
---From Spruce. Any thoughts???=0A =0APete=0Ahref="http://www.ma
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