Tony=0AJustin Kennedy has wing root fairings that are very similar to Fred'
s and he's been flying for years.=0AYou could ask him if there are any down
sides to the way he did it (with Ted Gladstone)=0AJustin@systemwise.co.uk T
he upside is a marked performance improvement I understand.=0ASorry can't f
ind any pix=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A=0A________________________________=0A From: T
ony Renshaw <tonyrenshaw268@gmail.com>=0ATo: "europa-list@matronics.com" <e
uropa-list@matronics.com> =0ASent: Monday, 28 October 2013, 7:37=0ASubject:
Europa-List: Wing to Fuse Fairings..Alternative Methods
onyrenshaw268@gmail.com>=0A=0AGidday,=0AI'm after advice regarding the wing
to fuse fairings, whether an alternative method was attempted by anyone el
se, as I'm a little bit motivated in that regard. I'm using Fred Kleins P51
trailing edge to fuse mouldings, and it suits that setup that I know where
the extension of the wing meets the fuse, so, I've used thin foam glued on
top of the wing, shaped to the fuse as a "shelf" which I've built up on the
closeout side, and then lay-up BID ontop to reinforce it. So, once the ori
ginal foam on the top of the wing has been removed I now have the wing exte
nded all the way to the fuse. I can now more accurately shape foam to the f
use, which especially on the underside requires the foam to be shaped to be
well over 90 degrees, to mate with the face. If I wasn't working upside do
wn I'd bog it up with car bog, and then shape it, which would create a perf
ect layup substrate. Still, I can't, but since I have the wing skin extende
d all the way to the fuse i am
wondering if anyone has!=0A=C2- any suggestions. I hear that it is a goo
d idea to make the fairings flexible, because under aerodynamic load they n
eed to be able to flex. =0AMy first question is, had anyone made rigid fair
ings, and do they pop against the fuse under G, or are there any negatives?
My setup if I persist will result in a triangular cross section which won'
t flex easily, vs what the book wants, and also there is the issue of the n
umber of plies i need to use. It didn't make sense to me to follow the book
on the top, and bottom of the Leading edge where I have on average 10-15 m
m max of gap, and with a 25 mm radius, it just didn't gel with me as the be
st way. Maybe I should clarify where the gap on the trailing edge is far mo
re, so it seemed I needed to extend the wing anyway. =0AAny help with alter
native suggestions would be appreciated. I know what the book says, but my
question is more pertinent to those that might have chosen an alternative m
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