I too am interested in a flap switch which works just like we have on most
car windows=2C on the driver's side: push once and the window opens fully o
r closes from any position=2C i.e. full flap or full retract flaps. Especi
ally in an emergency or when workload is high it is irritating having my ri
ght hand tied up holding the current toggle switch for quite a long time=2C
when it should really be on the throttle.
> From: mcointe@free.fr
> To: europa-list@matronics.com
> Subject: RE: Europa-List: more instruments
> Date: Mon=2C 28 Oct 2013 15:08:22 +0100
> Hi There All
> As an happy guy I fly part time on a Dyn'aero MCR 4Seats where the flaps
> directed by a 4 position switch (0-10=B0-17=B0-35=B0) and part time on ou
r gentle
> Europa XS where the switch is full analog (wherever you want between 0 to
> 35=B0). I won't enter in a contest between both option but I'm curious to
> (pics and explanation) if any of the members of the community installed a
> servo allowing to have pre-set flaps position (0-10=B0-full).
> Have Good Flights=2C
> Max Cointe
> mcointe@free.fr
> F-PMLH Europa XS_TriGear
> Kit #560-2003 912ULS/AirmasterAP332 490 hours
> F-PLDJ Dyn=92A=E9ro MCR 4S
> Kit #27-2002 912ULSFR/MTProp MTV7A 1600 heures