On 30 Oct 2013, at 02:14, alan_hunter1664 wrote:
> I am new to the Europa world and would like to join the Europa club but I'm
unable to access the theeuropaclub.org web site. I've tried from a number of
over a period of time but just get the message "page unavailable"
> Has the site moved?
> Many thanks
> Alan
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=411721#411721
Alan - I'm sorry to hear you have not been able to reach the Europa Club
This is very puzzling - I clicked on the link in your e-mail message (to make
sure there were no typos) and it came right up for me.
I am one of the Europa Club Committee members tasked with website maintenance
if you'd care to contact me direct at <rowlandcarson@gmail.com> with details
of what hardware, operating system and web browser you are using, I will try
to help solve the problem of your inability to see the Europa Club website.
I'm also copying this reply to Gerald Tagg, the Europa Club Membership Secretary
who should be able to help you with your subscription renewal.
in friendship
| Rowland Carson ... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...
| <rowlandcarson@gmail.com> http://www.rowlandcarson.org.uk
| Skype, Twitter: rowland_carson Facebook: Rowland Carson
| pictures: http://picasaweb.google.com/rowlandcarson