Everyone from Skylane (3EV), Hepler (43IN), Boonville (I91), Evansville
(EVV) and
any where else "within the sound of my voice"
is invited to come and join us for an
*aviator and family friendly
Old Fashioned Saturday at the Airport
Skylane 3EV if you are flying
Skylane on Allens Lane if you are driving
Saturday November 9th, 2013
1:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Everything is going to be centered around the Club House at Skylane -
3EV. Current plans are to have an "Old Fashioned "Afternoon at the
Airport" starting at 1:00 PM. Everyone with airplanes are encouraged to
fly-in. If you are flying in from out of town please RSVP
tosteve@skyterrier.net <mailto:steve@skyterrier.net>
We will be eating at 5:00 PM with hotdogs, chips and chili provided by
Skylane and EAA Chapter 21. Everyone is encouraged to bring either a
snack item for the afternoon or something that goes with hotdogs and
chili for the meal.
The popular local band "The Dogtown
Three"https://www.facebook.com/DogTown3will be playing from 6:00 to 9:00
PM. Hopefully, weather will let us have the band setup outside of the
club house. Weather is forecast to be "Saturday...Mostly clear. Highs in
the upper 50s. Lows in the upper 30s".
We do have somewhat of a logistics problem with planes flying in and our
activities, eating and the band going on into the night. We will have
tie-down space for planes staying over night and camping space for those
wanting to camp out. Greg also mentioned that he might be able to get
discount hotel rates for anyone wanting an upgrade on the camping
100LL is still $5.00 a gallon on the field.
Steve Eberhart