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Re: Europa-List: Re: airplast pv50 problem

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: airplast pv50 problem
From: pooh <>
Date: Sat, 9 Nov 2013 16:28:22
=0AHi Alan,=0AI am sorry I may have accidentally misled you 
wrt overspeed protection.  Let me clarify what I meant.=0AIf 
you operate the PV50 (or any other prop for that matter) u
sing a smart controller in manual then you are protected fro
m overspeeding.  If however (and this was in response to a
 comment in Jim Davis's original letter) you are just using 
a manual coarse/fine switch without smart controller then you 
have no protection.=0ATrouble is that there are several  diffe
rent set ups and I was responding to two letters from diff
erent people at the same time.=0APete=0A=0A=0A-----Original Message-
----=0AFrom: Alan Carter <>=0ATo: europ Sat, 9 Nov 2013 17:05=0ASubject: Europa
-List: Re: airplast pv50 problem=0A=0A=0A--> Europa-List message p
osted by: "Alan Carter" <>Hi Peter.any 
thanks for that piece of information, Peter, I,d better not 
do that test ith the engine stationary, have the Smar
t version, can't find my manual, but I thought I read some
where n the manual you still had over speed protection in
 Manual Mode, and pitch ontrol was by using the +/- tog
gle switch, if you select  Disable it shows OFF d you 
lose overspeed protection, I will have to look for my manual
, I could ell be wrong , but it will make me do a 
bit of revision and look things up gain the old memory 
not so good in retirement.Regards lanead this topic
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