Hello David,
Many thanks for your document it is very interesting.
I was made one.
F-PFGT 145
Le 01/12/2013 14:24, David Joyce a crit :
> For Michel and anyone else interested, I attach a brief description
> of my dolly which has proved very satisfactory for plane handling,
> working on the undercarriage and for transport in a covered trailer.
> It was made originally for another mono, but when he converted to a
> trike I bought the trailer and fitted captive nuts to my plane by
> simply drilling through the existing bolt holes in the dolly and then
> bonding in nuts and largish washers on the inside of the fuselage
> together with a bit of appropriate local strengthening. As far as I
> can see none of the measurements are particularly critical although of
> course the fibreglass bearing surfaces need to be nicely matched to
> the fuselage. Having said that you do need to design it so that you
> can get it underneath the plane in its normal wings on position. Can
> send further views + measurements if anyone is keen to pursue it.
> Regards, David Joyce, G-XSDJ