Looking at it closer today, I discovered I had the offset brackets installed
down. The support for the tank wall was not high enough. In addition, the
CS08 brackets were farther than 3 inches from the seat back. I swear they were
correct when I built it.
I was able to slightly modify the shape if CS08 (bend!) and now have the correct
3 inches. The rod can be straight and the only difficulty is now the swollen
tank on one side preventing the offset bracket from fitting.
I'm planning to encourage the tank face to back up a bit while I slip the
bracket in place. I will warm it slightly as it is freezing right now. Maybe
apply pressure over a period of time.
As insurance, I'll also replace the bolts that hold the rod ends at the top of
CS08 with flush structural screws. I'm thinking that if the CS08 arm ever hits
the spar, it would be better to hit a smooth surface , rather than bolt heads.
Thanks everyone for the input. This story keeps developing.
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