First thing.
When you refilled the engine did you follow the procedure to get oil round the
engine, cooler and filter before starting or just fill the oil tank and then
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> On 7 Dec 2013, at 15:26, danny shepherd <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have just completed the five year hose replacement. carried out a
check flight and all seems well. oil pressure 4 bar t's and p's good. no leeks
found. today I went to the airfield, checked the oil and found it took a pint
of oil to top it up. tried to start the engine but it woud'nt start. I checked
the plugs and found them all oiled up.
> All the oil hoses are correctly fitted, and can't see any kinks. the engine
> has
only done 90hrs.
> All help much apreciated.
> Cheers Danny. G-ceri