Alan=0Athere is a stick on fix, the Gurney Flap.=0ATry a 6" long strip of n
arrow draught excluder foam, stick it on the underside of the right aileron
trailing edge.=0ATest fly. The flap will nudge the aileron up a bit and co
unter the left roll tendency.=0AIt works.=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A__________
______________________=0A From: Alan Carter <>=0ATo
: =0ASent: Monday, 9 December 2013, 22:39=0ASubje
ct: Europa-List: Re: One wing Low=0A =0A=0A--> Europa-List message posted b
y: "Alan Carter" <>=0A=0AHi all.=0AI have a similar
problem, my left wing want to drop , have to hold stick to the right, then
hold on rudder to keep ball in centre.=0AFly,s much better two up just a t
iny bit of stick right.=0A=0AI like the idea of an- adjustable aileron tr
im tab, but I rather go along and buy something off the shelf and a tube of
Araldite, just don't have the time to spare,=0AHas anyone made up a radio
controlled stick on trim tab, they must be some model makes out there,=0ARe
gards.=0AAlan=0A=0A=0A=0A=0ARead this topic online here:=0A=0Ahttp://forums