Hello again Remi,
I took the liberty of using google translate to translate that document
into English - for the benefit of board readers. A few key points emerge
for me:
1) Private aerodromes under French jurisdiction are for personal use only,
cannot be marked, or use charged for, in any way.
2) Cannot be used until physical preparation and authorisation
documentation are completed
3) Prefect of the department (i assume this means eg of department 56 -
Morbihan) can by exception also use it in the public interest
4) Once use is authorised, fixed conditions and limitations will apply
Seems a somewhat better arrangement than in the UK - though no idea how
long the application to use might take to get processed/authorised
Version in force at December 19, 2013
Article D233 -1
Aerodromes are considered private use aerodromes by a natural or legal
person in private law for his own benefit or that of its employees and
guests use.
Article D233 -2
The application for authorization is submitted in quadruplicate to the
prefect of the department in which the aerodrome is located , accompanied
by a file whose composition will be determined by ministerial decree.
It is issued receipt of the request.
The decision to grant or refuse the prefect is taken by unmotivated after
the official notice of the territorially competent civil aviation stopped.
It must take place within thirty days after the issuance of the receipt,
unless the warden is required to refer the Minister for Civil Aviation , in
accordance with Article D. 233-3 . In this case, the time limit for its
decision prefect is extended to ninety days .
If the prefect did not communicate its decision within the prescribed
period, the authorization shall be deemed granted.
The prefect reports to the Minister responsible for civil aviation
authorizations granted by sending a copy of the application and, where
applicable, the authorization order .
Article D233 -3
Orders of the Minister of Civil Aviation taken in agreement with the
Minister of the Interior , the Minister of armies and the Minister of
Economy and Finance shall designate the areas within which the creation of
an aerodrome private use must be subject to the prior approval of the
Minister responsible for civil aviation.
Article D233 -4
Airfields for private use may not be marked or identified .
If the authorization holder wishes to install aids to air , visual or radio
or any other device aeronautical telecommunication navigation , it is
required to take the approval of the Minister of Civil Aviation and comply
with regulations in force, both for the installation of these aids and
devices for their use.
Article D233 -5
People who have been authorized to create an airfield for private use can
use it when it is finished, without having to seek authorization for
placing in service . However, they must inform the prefect to allow the
exercise of control under section D. 211-4 .
Article D233 -6
The decree authorizing the creation of the aerodrome fixed the conditions
under which it will be used. The order may specify that the aerodrome
including temporary or seasonal use or for permanent airfields that the use
will be exceptionally closed some days.
Article D233 -7
It is forbidden for people who have created an airfield for private use to
receive any remuneration for the use of their aerodrome by the people they
admit to using them.
Article D233 -8
The prefect may, with the consent of the owner , allow the exceptional use
of an airfield for private use developments aircraft constituting a public
event regularly authorized under Article R. 131-3 .
If the airport has not previously been the subject of an authorization, the
order authorizing its use will be taken after consultation with the staff
of the territorially competent civil aviation and will authorize for a
limited period than the event."
On 19 December 2013 08:24, Remi Guerner <air.guerner@orange.fr> wrote:
> Clive,
> There is no such 28 day rule in France. If you want to use your own land
> as an airstrip, there are two possibilities: if you are flying a ULM
> (similar to the UK Microlight category) you can land in your backyard all
> year round without asking permission to anybody. Obviously the Europa is
> not in this category. As an aircraft, it can land only on a registered
> airfield. So the way to go is to get your field approved as a private
> airfield. I did some research and found the attached document. Sorry it is
> in french. It looks very simple but I believe it is more difficult in
> reality.
> Remi
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=415845#415845
> Attachments:
> http://forums.matronics.com//files/creation_ad_priv_142.doc
Clive Sutton, CEng