Ian, did Europa have to change the hex bolts on CS08, both Dave and I feel the
need to do so. As you know it is a little easier for Dave with EAA than for us.
If the factory felt the need the amendment to Mod 78 would be the simplest
Alan Twigg
Kit 463
Sent from my iPhone
> On 29 Dec 2013, at 08:44, Ian Cook <iancook_1@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Dave,
> I can confirm the current Vne for the UK MG is still 127 knots
> indicated, at a max weight of 1370 lb with C of G limits 60.4" to 62.5". I
> am still awaiting for all the other limits to be formally specified by the
> LAA as part of the Certification process along with the issue of the Permit
> to Fly. Europa issued a modified ASI glass with revised colour bandings
> that we used during the spinning trial for G-CBHI, but I have not had it
> confirmed these are the final approved figures. I may know a bit more when
> the LAA return to work next week as I am trying to get an agreed Flight Test
> schedule issued.
> Best Regards
> Ian Cook
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com
> [mailto:owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of djaflyact
> Sent: 29 December 2013 00:38
> To: europa-list@matronics.com
> Subject: Europa-List: Mod 7 flight ready
> Again, I'm not sure how many are interested in this, but here is another
> update:
> The last issue I had with the prep for flight was the pip pin engaging with
> the bellville washer. I installed the pin and it seemed to be barely
> engaging the washer, if at all. I could not pull it back. I planned to drill
> an inspection hole in the wing root faring to put the video snake in to see
> if the pin head is coming through the fatter spar. I worked on it today and
> discovered that I can look through the inspection hole to the port fuel tank
> outlet and see the end of the pip pin. It was fully engaged. I was able to
> work it back and determine the shim washers to account for the play. Two
> thick washers did the trick.
> The airplane is now ready for flight. If the weather cooperates, tomorrow
> will be first flight. I will post the results of that flight.
> The gut check is that the wing root fairings are mating with the fuselage as
> they were before - within reasonable limits. It does feel good to have the
> stronger structure now.
> Does anyone know what the speed are supposed to be on the modified airplane?
> I have 127 knots for Vne from the past, but the website shows 165 knots on
> the specs - the same as the short wing airplane. I also have 97 knots for
> maneuvering speed and the top of the green arc. With that speed, normal
> cruise will be well into the yellow arc. I see around 110 knots IAS in
> normal cruise. That is at about 28 inches. Rotax 914.
> Dave
> A227
> Mini U2
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=416297#416297