Hi Paul,
Hope the jumping is going well, and the flying. You a bit cold over there? I
am in LA, having spent 4 days here going batty since my LAX-JFK-LAX legs we
re cancelled due to the weather and light passenger loads. So, boring. Can y
ou tell me with this rectifier topic, would you replace the original rectifi
er with a GR6 straight from the get go? When they fail, does your alternator
just fail to charge, or can it overcharge? Is that why you have that OPV? C
Any help to get to the bottom of this electrical stuff appreciated. My build
is going ok at the moment. I have wings on, and am doing Fred Kleins fairin
gs at the moment, the P51 ones. They look good but gee there is a lot of wor
k to connect them, nearly as much as building them from scratch I would thin
k. Anyway, 60% done. Have mated the aileron quick connect pivot bolts and bo
nded the tufnol pads on them, so now to insy
Tall them and see how I went. I'm confident it should be good because of the
bolt work. Painting the interior before top goes on. Easy, light, and simpl
y quick progress, plus easy to modify, touch up as time goes on. Top goes on
soon, with Kingsleys help. Then on its wheels and I then have to turn it ov
er somehow to do some gear fairing work. That will be a challenge. I am thin
king of making carbon floor inserts, that come out like a tray, and just was
h out. Easy to make. Would that be a good idea do you think?
On a work topic, I was talking about you to a GE person, and I realised I do
n't know what you do, so, can I ask?
Fly safe, jump safe.
Sent from my iPad
> On 21 Jan 2014, at 5:07 pm, Paul McAllister <paul.the.aviator@gmail.com> w
> David,
> I am kinda, sorta with you on this. Mine failed the same way after 10 year
s, however I do have an OPV system that disconnects the alternator from the
system just in case.
> I installed a GR6 once my original regulator died and went to heaven and s
o far so good.
> Paul
>> On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 4:15 PM, David Joyce <davidjoyce@doctors.org.uk> w
>> Tim, I absolutely accept that it is not ideal and could cause more seriou
s problems than simple lack of charge, but one benign failure in 12 years of
flying is pretty close to acceptable reliability for me, and I enjoy glidin
g anyway!
>> Happy Landings, David
>> houlihan <houlihan@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:
>>> Hi David.
>>> One thing to bear in mind is that there are, as I understand it, several
>>> modes of failure of the Ducatti unit the most benign being that it just
>>> stops charging the battery and feeding the services.
>>> This is as you describe and as I also suffered ( why does this happen mi
>>> channel?) but I believe it can fail and possibly allow high voltage DC o
>>> AC onto the bus giving your expensive radio and other clever stuff a rea
>>> hard time !
>>> In the UK there is very little difference in cost between the Schicke an
>>> the Ducatti they are very similar in size and the wiring is only slight
>>> changed , one wire not connected, and the generator fail light has to
>>> become an LED.
>>> Tim
>>> On 21 January 2014 19:13, David Joyce <davidjoyce@doctors.org.uk> wrote:
>>>> davidjoyce@doctors.org.uk>
>>>> Nigel, Fascinating and impressively erudite. You have totally convinced
>>>> that the way all new builders should go is with a Mofset bit of kit.
>>>> However my personal solution is to take the odd Ducatti at sale price o
>>>> anyone not planning to fit them and fly with a spare! In 1000hrs I have
>>>> one failure. That was inconveniently 1/3 way between Holland and Clacto
>>>> but there was enough juice in the battery to get me all the way home wi
th a
>>>> bit of thoughtful systems management. I currently fly with Rowland's
>>>> spurned new Ducatti in my spares department under pax seat, but am prep
>>>> to offer a modest price for another unwanted Ducatti!
>>>> Regards, David
>>>> "nigel_graham@m-tecque.co.uk" <nigel_graham@m-tecque.co.uk> wrote:
>>>>> I have followed this discussion with great interest and with an
>>>>> increasing sense of D=C3=A9j=C3- vu.
>>>>> When the issue of regulator/rectifier failures occur withing the Rotax
>>>>> community, the standard fix seems to be to simply replace like with li
>>>>> (at elevated Rotax pricing) and fly on until the next unit fails.
>>>>> Up until about five years ago, nearly all modern Japanese motorcycles
>>>>> used the same technology as that found on the Rotax 91x series engines
>>>>> permanent-magnet generators controlled by SCR rectifier/regulators. I
t may
>>>>> come as some surprise that for an industry renowned for precision and
>>>>> reliability, nearly all of these major motorcycle manufactures have at
>>>>> time, been plagued by problems with their SCR based rectifier/regulato
>>>>> failing and burning out alternators and wiring, cooking batteries and i
>>>>> extreme cases, squirting unregulated AC into the wiring loom and blowi
ng up
>>>>> ECUs. It was just such a failure that "sparked" my interest :-(
>>>>> Known as "Shunt Regulators" the SCR technology runs extremely hot and
>>>>> requires more cooling air than modern styling and space allows.
>>>>> The solution was a move towards MOSFET controlled regulators and the
>>>>> numerous web-based one-make discussion groups were full of information
>>>>> advice on the reasons for failure, the benefits of the change and prac
>>>>> advice on how to convert.
>>>>> It was by trawling these groups that I was able to build up a good
>>>>> understanding of how these R/Rs worked, what was causing the problem a
>>>>> what the potential solution might be. I compiled what I considered to b
>>>>> the best informed snippets of information into the attached document.
>>>>> The first half gives an overview of a typical design of an SCR
>>>>> Rectifier/Regulator for use on a permanent-magnet generating system an
d the
>>>>> second half discussed the relative merrits of SCR versus MOSFET.
>>>>> It would be interesting to know which technology the the after-market
>>>>> Schicker and Silent-Hektic R/Rs use.
>>>>> Nigel
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