The lightest Mono I know of was less than 750lbs. A showroom finish must we
igh 20 lbs=0Aat least and adds nothing to performance.=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A=0A
=0A________________________________=0A From: Greg Fuchs <gregoryf.flyboy@co>=0A=0AHmm.. some HAVE paid more attention to the weight during th
e build, and=0Astill end up bloated.. 860 is not too bad, IMO.=0A=0AI'll be
trying to use lower power items, such as external LED lights and=0AEFIS. S
ince none of them pass Burt Rutans qualification of staying in the=0Aair wh
en tossed there, I will now be adding helium-balloon ballast to the=0Aship
to compensate for it. :)=0A=0AThanks again for the detail,=0AGreg-