imho plastic tube is a good idea. If the tube is split the cable can be spr
ung out of it for =0Ainspection , then popped back in. I think Lancairs spe
cify nylon tube to duct the rudder cables.=0AA few of those in the UK. Find
an inspector who does Lancairs?=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A___________________
_____________=0A From: David Joyce <>=0ATo: europa =0ASent: Monday, 3 March 2014, 9:09=0ASubject: Re: Euro
pa-List: Europa or Stainless Steel Control Cable=0A =0A=0A--> Europa-List m
essage posted by: "David Joyce" <>=0A=0APete, My u
se of the tube, approved by my inspector (in fact suggested by him) is simp
ly to cover the gap across the wheel well. It is fixed there with a cable t
ie and can readily be slid fore or aft for inspection. Regards, David (Joyc
e:=0A> Hi David,=0A> =0A> Whilst I do not disagree with the advantages of p
lastic tubing being used in this manner, as an inspector who each year is r
equired by LAA to certify the condition of these cables, I have to add that
it is impossible to inspect cables that are inside a plastic tube.=C2- T
hose who have gone down this route for protection will be aware of the work
involved in gaining visual access to the entire length of cable that lies
out of sight.=0A> =0A> Pete=C2- Jeffers=C2- LAA Insp.=0A> =0A> =0A> =0A
> =0A> =0A> =0A> From: David Joyce=0A> Sent: =8ESunday=8E,
=8E2=8E =8EMarch=8E =8E2014 =8E17=8E
:=8E48=0A> To:> =0A> =0A> =0A> =0A> =0A>
k>=0A> =0A> One tip for those installing rudder cables in a mono is to run
them inside the light plastic tubing (used extensively in gliders) through
the wheel well. It is virtually friction free and protects them entirely fr
om damp & grit.=0A> Regards, David Joyce, GXSDJ=0A> =0A> =0A> On Sun, 2 Mar
=0A>> Mil-DTL-83420 is the general spec that describes the requirements fli
ght control cables=0A>>=C2- Composition A - Carbon steel, zinc, or tin ov
er zinc coated=0A>> steel cable is stronger and stiffer than corrosion resi
stant steel=C2- MIL-DTL-83420/1 - Wire Rope, Flexible, Type I, Compositio
n A.=0A>>=C2- M83420/1-005 Indicates - Wire Rope, Flexible, Type I, Carbo
n Steel,=0A>> Construction; 7 x 19, Nominal Diameter 5/32=0A>>=C2- Compos
ition B - Corrosion resistant steel=0A>> MIL-DTL-83420/2 - Wire Rope, Flexi
ble, Type I, Composition B.=0A>>=C2- MIL-DTL-781 - Terminal, Wire Rope Sw
aging, General Specification for.=0A>>=C2- use this info to find the spec
of cable you have=0A>> the nicopress is usable on either. best to ck spec
on swaging=C2- the best place I know of for flight control cables is Mcfa
rlane aviation (USA) also a good source for other "stuff"=0A>>=C2- =C2-
=0A>> =0A>> ________________________________=0A>> From: GRAHAM SINGLETON <>=0A>> To: "" <europ> Sent: Sunday, March 2, 2014 4:14 AM=0A>> Subject: Re:
Europa-List: Europa or Stainless Steel Control Cable=0A>>=C2- =0A>> =0A>
> Yes, stainless was developed for yachts, sea water contamination resistan
t. There isn't much bending in the Europa so no worries about fatigue.=0A>>
Must be the multi strand stuff though, 7X19 springs to mind but anyway it'
s fine wire strands for flexibility.=0A>> Graham=0A>> =0A>> Also be sure yo
u use the right crimps, plated I think, not plain copper. Get a second opin
ion, I not as young as I once was!=0A>> =0A>> =0A>> =0A>> =0A>> =0A>> _____
___________________________=0A>> From: Tony Renshaw <tonyrenshaw268@gmail.c
om>=0A>> To: GRAHAM SINGLETON <>; europa-list Sent: Sunday, 2 March 2014, 6:04=0A>> Subject: Re: Europa-Li
st: Europa or Stainless Steel Control Cable=0A>>=C2- =0A>> =0A>> Hi Graha
m,=0A>> Wish I knew if it was what was supplied by Europa. I=99ve had
the kit too long to know, things have been moved around, and I don
=99t recall the Europa stuff ever being labelled. Maybe someone else might
be able to clarify. Worst part is, it looks old even though it mightn
=99t be. It reminds me of a Hills Hoist outside clothes line cable, but I t
hink that is more of an Aussie thing. I actually don=99t have enough
Nicopress sleeves now so I=99ll need more of those anyway, so I can g
et some more pretty stuff ;-)=0A>> You normally use Stainless Steel cable b
y choice don=99t you??=0A>> TR=0A>> =0A>> =0A>> =0A>> =0A>> On 2 Mar
2014, at 10:18 am, GRAHAM SINGLETON <> wrote:
=0A>> =0A>> Tony=0A>>> I'd say go ahead with the galvanised steel cable. It
should be fine in Oz, so long as you don't go ocean sailing with it!=0A>>>
Graham=0A>>> =0A>>> =0A>>> =0A>>> =0A>>> =0A>>> =0A>>> ___________________
_____________=0A>>> From: Tony Renshaw <>=0A>>> To: Sent: Saturday, 1 March 2014, 22:49=0A>>> Subjec
t: Europa-List: Europa or Stainless Steel Control Cable=0A>>> =0A>>> =0A>>>
=0A>>> =0A>>> Gidday,=0A>>> I have gone through my fair share of cable, and
consequently I have bits everywhere. I have a roll of cable which appears
to be galvanised, or really dull Stainless Steel, which I believe doesn
=99t happen. Why have nice shiny Stainless, if it stains. So, the best a
dvice I have to figure out what is what is to use a magnet. The unknown rol
l of dull cable I have is extremely attractive to the magnet, and the Stain
less is only slightly, but still is drawn towards the magnet on a really lo
ng suspended run, like the length in=0A>> the aft fuselage, towards the mag
net when it is mm away, but it still attracts it. So, this other roll I can
only imagine might have been that supplied by Europa, and I wouldn
=99t know because this roll has no product code or numbers on it. =0A>>> My
question, whilst I=99d prefer to use Stainless just because it doesn
=99t look like it has been in the aircraft for a million years, howev
er the gal cable (or whatever it is) I am told is more durable especially i
n terms of bends. This is a conservative approach from gliders where contro
l cabling can have acute bends, but we don=99t have that. So, should
I resurrect this roll of cable out of my waste bin and use it, or should I
replace it with Stainless Steel?=0A>>> Thanks for any advice or help, and I
appreciate all the help I=99ve got with this sofar. Regards=0A>>> To
ny Renshaw>>> =0A>>> =0A>>> =0A>>> =0A>>> =0A
>>> href="">http://www.matr>> href="">>> href="
ion"> =0A>>> =0A>> =0A>> http://===========
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