Creating envy is not fair ! .Dreamliner course. I dont suppose we can joke about
lithium batteries quite the way we used to.
On 22 Mar 2014, at 9:54 am, Tim Ward <ward.t@xtra.co.nz> wrote:
> Chris,
> Unfortunately doing a Dreamliner Course so Wanaka is out for me.
> If I am passing Wellington/Paraparamu some day will drop.
> Cheers,
> Tim
> Tim Ward
> 12 Waiwetu Street
> Fendalton,
> Christchurch, 8052
> New Zealand.
> ward.t@xtra.co.nz
> Ph 64 3 3515166
> Mob 0210640221
>> On 22/03/2014, at 10:19 am, Chris Cameron <chris@cameron.org.nz> wrote:
>> Are any kiwi Europa owners going to be at Wanaka or Queenstown at Easter?
>> No-one in the family (apart from me, of course) has seen a completed/flying
aircraft and it would be great to meet up with someone who could show them what
the finished plane will look like!
>> Cheers
>> Chris
>> Sent from my iPad