Graeme, I have thoroughly enjoyed visiting Eglinton/Derry.
Pleasant people, good restaurant, spectacular coast
nearby, Giants Causeway to visit on the way there. Also
enjoyed Newtownards for easy access to Belfast. Had looked
forward to Weston for trip into Dublin, but weather
intervened. Have visited Cork, but do NOT recommend it.
(expensive & inconvenient). If you are prepared to make it
more than a day I strongly recommend Galway and excursions
out to the Arran Islands, looking at Alcock & Brown's
landing site, etc.
You certainly need a GAR form which needs to go
customs and to Police. The requirements are complex and I
suggest looking at:
where you will find latest regs. Regards, David Joyce,
"graeme bird" <> wrote:
> Thinking of trips for this year, and must get to Ireland
>from Beds UK, any recommendations for a day trip, friendly
>field near something interesting? I gather I need to file
>a GAR form, and guess I have to land at a designated
> Graeme
> --------
> Graeme Bird
> Mono Classic/XS 912S/Woodcomp 3000/3W
> Newby: 95 hours 18 months
> Read this topic online here: