If the radio has an embedded microprocessor it may be a product defect. I
have had experience where something will work fine in a metal or C/F
aircraft but not in a fiberglass aircraft. The reason is that there is no
attenuation of RF in the fiberglass structure and it finds its way into the
device, usually through the power feed. A well designed product should not
have this issue, however you could try adding some RF filtering on the
power, mic, headphone and ppt lines.
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Richard
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2014 1:59 PM
Subject: Europa-List: Re: odd radio problem
--> <>
It locks up as in I can't change stations some times or alter the
volume. but trying to transmit it shows TX as a normal transmission but ATC
can not here me. If I turn the radio off and back on again all is well until
it does it again. Their is no set time when it locks.. and I can not get it
to do it with-out the engine running. Some times it is OK and others not....
I have wiggled every wire I can find.. But nothing is standing out to say
this is where the fault is..
"Richard, I seem to recall a similar problem when G-OGAN was being checked
out prior to first flight.
The problem was the jack plug sockets in the roof microphone and speaker
jacks just touched causing a short,so make sure that there is enough space
between the sockets.
Best regards
Andy Cullum. "
Andy, I have checked the mic and head set sockets and all seem well. This is
a strange one !!! As nothing stands out to be the problem!!!!!!
Richard Wheelwright
First Flight 24th July 2013
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