Hi David
Contact me off line on rcollings@talktalk net or 01327260045
Regards Richard
From: Fred Klein
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2014 10:39 PM
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: Trigear For Sale anyone?
My next door hanger neighbor has just sold his Jabiru and is looking
to buy a trigear Europa - anyone know of any unadvertised lowish hours
models for sale at a reasonable price?
UK only, and trigear only
On Apr 10, 2014, at 1:15 PM, Alan Carter <alancarteresq@onetel.net>
What do you call a reasonable price.
I would hope that in defining =93reasonable=94, other factors come into
play such as:
- reasonable performance numbers
- reasonable in-flight and on-ground handling
- reasonable fit and finish,
- reasonable level of equipment and avionics,
- reasonable level of completion,
i.e., =93reasonable=94 and not =93exceptional=94
=85in short, I would hope that someone looking for a Europa at a
=93reasonable price=94 would factor into his/her thinking the wide range
of outcomes in this realm of amateur-built aircraft and recognize that
many have exceptional qualities and warrant exceptional asking prices=85
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