My taildragger Europa is up for sale. It is the Swiss carbon conversion and has
a Rotax 912UL, 80HP, fitted with an Arplast VP Prop with SmartAvionics CS
Typical 75% cruise is 120KIAS@15Lph. The conventional panel has a SkyMapIIIc,
KT76A Mode C transponder and a GNS250Nav/Com. There is a full intercom
and a pair of Sennheiser ANR headsets. Engine/airframe 360 hours, always
by a LAA licensed engineer. All mods are up to date and it has a LAA permit
to Nov 14. To be sold with all manuals, handbooks, plus an open trailer
and Jaxida glider-style outdoor covers. 25,500. Contact me at
or call (m) 07775 905324. The aircraft is currently at Thruxton.
Ian Mansfeld
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