Jim & other Europaphiles,=0A=0APersonally, I'm quite happy with the list s
erver version and am loath to clutter up my Facebook with this quantity of
messaging. =C2-And I don't particularly care for Twitter in any case. =C2
-=0A=0AJust my 2 cents (pence, centieuro, etc., pick your currency) wort
h.=0ABlue skies & tailwinds,=0ABob Borger=0AEuropa XS Tri, Rotax 914 w/ In
tercooler & Airmaster C/S Prop=0ALittle Toot Sport Biplane, Lycoming AEIO-
320 EXP=0A3705 Lynchburg Dr.=0ACorinth, TX 76208-5331=0AH: 940-497-2123=0A
C: 817-992-1117=0A=0AOn May 06, 2014, at 12:50 PM, g-fizy <jim.davis1@me.c
<jim.davis1@me.com =C2- =C2->=0A=0ACan i just throw a thought out to y
ou all ,should we move to facebook or twitter ,, I am not a big fan of thi
s old style forum ,,perhaps we could bring this up at the AGM :-) =0A=0Are
gards jim davis=0A=0A--------=0Aowner g-fizy=0A=0A=0A=0A=0ARead this topic
online here:=0A=0Ahttp://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=422895#42