Don;t confuse airspeed with ground/GPS speed . When in steady state
flight in still air and the airplane encounters a sudden 5 kt HW, the
air spd indicator almost immediately indicates a momentary 5 kt
increase. However, the increase will decay because of increased drag.
Usually, however, the air mass is more dynamic; exhibiting a
combination of momentary up and down drafts with horizontal components.
Handling this complexity is most crucial during approach to landing.
That's why a strait stabilized approach (glide path and airspeed steady)
is best controlled by pitching to the glide path and maintaining
airspeed with thrust.
Angle of attack, of course, is a more direct indication regarding the
wing's margin above stall even in maneuvering flight. But airspeed is
adequate if we realize its limitations.
Bob Lindsay
XS Mono N77EU
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, May 10, 2014 2:28 PM
Subject: Europa-List: Re: Europa-List: Re: Europa-List: Re:
Europa-List: Europa Crash in L=FCbeck/Germany
don't think so , the ASI won't move (or shouldn't!) until the aircraft
has accelerated, or worse slowed down and that takes many seconds.
When it says "stall speed!" already stalled. Not a lot of use.
From: houlihan <>
Sent: Saturday, 10 May 2014, 14:31
Subject: Europa-List: Re: Europa-List: Re: Europa-List: Europa Crash
in L=FCbeck/Germany
Hi Graham.
I think you may have put the decimal point in the wrong place. I
appreciate what you are suggesting but 20 seconds ?
I bet the real figure is much less than a second.
Mind you how would you measure the lag , my ASI seems to move at the
speed of light at times.
On 10 May 2014 13:19, GRAHAM SINGLETON
<> wrote:
Or an AoA meter as primary attitude/speed instrument. The ASI is
always 20 seconds too late.
Very sad, I met Manfred while he was building. A very nice man and a
nice Europa.
From: David Joyce <>
Sent: Saturday, 10 May 2014, 12:36
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Europa Crash in L=FCbeck/Germany
I strongly suspect that this another case where a SmartASS or the
equivalent might have saved them both. David Joyce, G-XSDJ