Tim=0Amaybe we are mixing things a bit. ASI will measure instantly changes
in airspeed. =0AWhen AoA changes aircraft speed will not change instantly b
ut will take several seconds.=0AThe force causing change of airspeed is inc
rease or decrease in drag, usually quite a small force.=0ADuring take off a
cceleration is caused by engine thrust and ASI will record speed of course,
as soon =0Aas the aircraft is flying AoA should quickly settle at best cli
mb.=0AStall occurs at the same AoA whatever airspeed or total weight is. (I
'm thinking aloud here)=0AIn fact best climb, cruise or glide speeds are al
so at fixed AoAs. They are not at fixed airspeeds but=0Achange as all up we
ight changes.=0AAoA is much the best primary flight control instrument. Tha
t's why fast jets use it.=0AA pity AoA meters aren't mass produced like ASI
s are!=0Abest regards=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A______________________________
__=0A From: houlihan <houlihan@blueyonder.co.uk>=0ATo: europa-list@matronic
s.com =0ASent: Sunday, 11 May 2014, 8:34=0ASubject: Europa-List: Re: Europa
-List: Re: Europa-List: Re: Europa-List: Re: Europa-List: Europa Crash in L
=FCbeck/Germany=0A =0A=0A=0AHi Graham.=0A=0AWe may be talking apples agains
t pears here BUT if what you say is true then on takeoff I would be at 100'
thinking about retracting the undercarriage before the ASI has moved from
zero.=0A=0AI agree it takes time to accelerate or decelerate a 600kg mass b
ut the pressure measurement showing movement relative to the local air mass
will be indicated within a small fraction of a second even using our norma
l mechanical manometers that are calibrated in airspeed and could be even q
uicker using electronic pressure sensors close to the pitot head.=0A=0ATrue
an AOA or alpha system would be helpful but I just want to be warned if th
rough lack of attention or being distracted I allow my speed to decay , the
se lack of attention or distraction events usually build up slowly without
it being noticed and I would guess rarely happens over one or two seconds.
=0A=0Abest regards=0A=0ATim-=0A=0A=0A=0AOn 10 May 2014 22:28, GRAHAM SING
LETON <grahamsingleton@btinternet.com> wrote:=0A=0ATim=0A>don't think so ,
the ASI won't move (or shouldn't!) until the aircraft has accelerated, or w
orse slowed down and that takes many seconds.=0A>When it says "stall speed!
" you.ve already stalled. Not a lot of use.=0A>Graham=0A>=0A>=0A>=0A>=0A>
=0A>=0A>________________________________=0A> From: houlihan <houlihan@bluey
onder.co.uk>=0A>To: europa-list@matronics.com =0A>Sent: Saturday, 10 May 20
14, 14:31=0A>Subject: Europa-List: Re: Europa-List: Re: Europa-List: Europa
Crash in L=FCbeck/Germany=0A> =0A>=0A>=0A>Hi Graham.=0A>=0A>=0A>I think yo
u may have put the decimal point in the wrong place. I appreciate what you
are suggesting but 20 seconds ?=0A>I bet the real figure is much less than
a second.=0A>Mind you how would you measure the lag , my ASI seems to move
at the speed of light at times.=0A>=0A>=0A>Tim=0A>=0A>=0A>=0A>=0A>=0A>On 10
May 2014 13:19, GRAHAM SINGLETON <grahamsingleton@btinternet.com> wrote:
=0A>=0A>Or an AoA meter as primary attitude/speed instrument. The ASI is al
ways 20 seconds too late.=0A>>Very sad, I met Manfred while he was building
. A very nice man and a nice Europa.=0A>>Graham=0A>>=0A>>=0A>>=0A>>=0A>>=0A
>>=0A>>________________________________=0A>> From: David Joyce <davidjoyce@
doctors.org.uk>=0A>>To: europa-list@matronics.com =0A>>Sent: Saturday, 10 M
ay 2014, 12:36=0A>>Subject: Re: Europa-List: Europa Crash in L=FCbeck/Germa
yce@doctors.org.uk>=0A>>=0A>>=0A>>I strongly suspect that this another case
where a SmartASS or the equivalent might have saved them both. David Joyce
, G-XSDJ=0A>>=0A>>=0A>>=0A>>arget="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navig
ator?Europa-List tp://forums.matronics.com _blank">http://www.matronics.com
/contribution =0A>=0A>http://www.matronics.com/con========
======== =0A>=0A>=0A>arget="_blank">http://www.matronics.