I am considering how I will quick connect my pitot dynamic and static tubes f
rom my wing root to the fuselage and am considering quick connects/disconnec
ts. In the process of this investigation, I have wondered whether I could ta
ke a rear fuselage "internal" static pressure as well as the pitot, in case h
ypothetically it ever got blocked, but without any switching, just melding t
he two. I would think the worst case would be where cabin static could creat
e a false reading on a rapid climb out, where the static could lag due to a g
reater pressure from an internal contribution, which would indicate you are f
lying slower than you actually are, which is safe. Seems to me since most li
ght a/c leak like sieves, and our rear fuselage more so because of flap driv
e slots into wing root close out voids, that I could use this to my advantag
Tony Renshaw
P.S. I was inspired by these fittings:
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