I can verify that on the Classic I used to fly, flaps down at low speed you
could smell exhaust fumes in the cockpit.=0A=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A=0A_________
_______________________=0A From: "f.kyle@sympatico.ca" <f.kyle@sympatico.ca
>=0ATo: europa-list@matronics.com =0ASent: Saturday, 17 May 2014, 19:38=0AS
ubject: Europa-List: RE: Europa-List Digest: 1 Msgs - 05/16/14=0A =0A=0A-->
Europa-List message posted by: <f.kyle@sympatico.ca>=0A=0ACheers,=0A--
- Lance's message below reminded me that we had discussed cockpit=0Aversu
s aft fuse pressures before. It has been almost unanimous that it's=0Ahighe
r out back than in front. HOWEVER, have we measured the two pressures=0Aaga
inst ambient ouside? maybe cockpit is lower than ambient, perhaps afte is
=0Ahigher than ambient - perhaps they are either side of ambient- or both o
ver=0A- or under?=0A--- It seems to me that we should establish which
is who, and then=0Adecide what to use in the discussion. Open to Flames...
....=0AFerg C-FFGG=0Astill in the hangar=0A=0A=0A=0AIn OZ, in the strictly
controlled era prior to experimental regulations,=0A(pre 1999). Our Civil a
viation released an Airworthiness Directive for=0AEuropa Aircraft stating t
here should be no airflow between the cockpit and=0Athe rear fuselage. Thei
r concern was, with the pressure rear of the bulkhead=0Abeing higher than t
he cockpit, engine exhaust could be drawn into the rear=0Afuselage via the
flap slots and find its way into the cockpit. This AD was=0Awithdrawn with
the advent of experimental aviation with responsibility being=0Ahanded to t
he builder. Sorry I cant find the copy I thought I had.=0A=0ARegards=0A=0AL
ance Sandford in OZ=0A=0A=0AOn 14/05/14 03:49, Frans Veldman wrote:=0A>=0A>
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----=0A> Hash: SHA1=0A>=0A> On 05/13/2014 12
:07 AM, Tony Renshaw wrote:=0A>> <tonyrenshaw268@gmail.com>=0A>>=0A>> Hi Fr
an's, I expect the pressure in the aft fuselage might be more=0A>> represen
tative than cockpit pressure,=0A> Not in my airplane. In my airplane the af
t fuselage seems to be of=0A> higher pressure than the cockpit. I installed
a vent in the D-panel=0A> with the intention to let the air out, but it is
blowing into the=0A> cockpit instead! I have no idea where the air is leav
ing again as=0A> every opening in the cockpit seems to be blowing inward (a
nd yes my=0A> doors are sealed with a center pin arrangement). Also I don't
=0A> understand why the aft fuselage is pressurised. The main openings in
=0A> the aft fuselage are the tailplane drive slots but it looks to me they
=0A> are in a low pressure area. The slots for the flap drive are covered
=0A> by the wing root fairings so they are normally sealed in flight. The
=0A> only other openings are the small openings for the rudder cable and=0A
> one small opening in the sternpost for the rudder drive rod.=0A>=0A>> Bel
ieve it or not I have this Nylaflow? Tubing, the hard walled=0A>> opaque st
uff from ACS, and it makes an excellent push to fit. I am=0A>> tempted to u
se the 3/8" OD inside a 3/8" ID joiner, and just push=0A>> them together. V
ery un-aviation, but if you've ever done it, you'll=0A>> appreciate how har
d they are to pull apart, and no vibration is=0A>> going to do it.=0A> I ha
ve used this equipment to plumb my entire pitot/static system.=0A> Only for
the wing to fuselage connection I use the "official" quick=0A> (dis)connec
t fittings. I agree that it is great stuff.=0A>=0A> Frans=0A>=0A> -----BEGI
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