Date: Fri, 30 May 2014 09:32:42 -0700
On May 29, 2014, at 10:23 PM, Tony Renshaw <>
> =93 I believe there is a likelihood that whether you use 240 Grit
paper, or 60 Grit paper, that the substrate will increase in surface
area by the same amount=94.
> Any takers? Anyone had enough red wine to give this consideration?
=85too early in the morning for the wine=85intuitively, as I
imagine a field of a given size covered w/ hemispheres=85an
approximation of grit I imagine the surface area of the
hemispheres as the hemispheres diminish in size=85I cannot escape the
conclusion that the total surface area will increase in inverse
proportion to the diameter of the hemispheres=85
=85nonetheless=85I can think of better reasons to avoid 60 grit
when key sanding=85
> P.S. I have an instrument panel fan, a computer fan, and I am
wondering where would be the most advised place to put it? I am thinking
midway between the main panel and the radio stack, behind the mono wheel
gear retraction handle rebate, on the RHS. Whatdoyareckon?
I reckon putting in 3 those 120 mm computer fans @ $10 each were
the was easiest decision I=92ve had to make regarding my panel=85I=92m
uncertain at this time whether or not I=92ll use the little louvered
vents intended to direct airflow towards the windscreen.