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Re: Europa-List: SkyYiew antenna

Subject: Re: Europa-List: SkyYiew antenna
From: Bud Yerly <>
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2014 07:33:48
Excellent place.  Just more wire.

I put as much as possible in the panel so as to be able to test the entire 
panel=2C less autopilot  servos=2C on the bench.  Just add power and my com
 dongle=2C and play with it.  IFR instrument certs are a snap normally=2C h
owever=2C I am amazed how resistant com shops are to doing a panel removal
=2C and bench work.  Local avionics guys love my panels=2C  others are conf

Drawback is the panel has 10 pounds of crap in a 5 pound bag.  Bit tight on
 an IFR panel.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID

Fred Klein <> wrote:

Budbecause of concerns for available space within the instrument m
odule=2C I=99ve opted to locate my SV-250-GPS puck in my overhead con
sole=2C midway (in two axes) between the door hinges=2C hopefully avoiding 
any potential RF interference problems.

I appreciate being alerted to both the RF issue as well as the visual refle
ction issue had I just plunked the puck down on the top surface of the modu
le (which I was about to do) before receiving various listers=99 comm
ents and recommendations.


On Jun 3=2C 2014=2C at 5:19 AM=2C Bud Yerly <> wrote:

> One of the reasons for using a metal inverted hat is to limit direct RF f
rom the radio stack. Orient it laterally.  Its worked so far.

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