Hi Rowland,=0AIt's probably me - I spoke with Andy a couple of weeks ago af
ter reading your excellent article In the Europa Flyer; I've=C2-just spen
t so much time deciding which panel layout to use and what would fit I the
space available. I think I'm there now, so will send off .dxf to Andy. Atta
ched is pdf of my AutoCAD dwg.=0AIt was so nice to speak to someone with th
e 'can do' attitude.=0AI mentioned your article and was going to send him a
copy.=0A=0AIncidentally, I'm down in Milford Haven so there might be also
someone else in Merthyr.=0ARegards=0APeter Morgans=0A =0A=0A_______________
_________________=0A From: Rowland Carson <rowlandcarson@gmail.com>=0ATo: E
uropa e-mail list list <europa-list@matronics.com> =0ASent: Wednesday, 11 J
une 2014, 16:58=0ASubject: Europa-List: Re: europa dash panel=0A =0A=0A-->
Europa-List message posted by: Rowland Carson <rowlandcarson@gmail.com>=0A
=0AOn 11 Jun 2014, at 13:31, Andy Jones wrote:=0A=0A> Hello,=0A> =0A> A cou
ple of weeks ago I=C2- had a phone call regarding=C2- the cutting of an
other dash panel, can=99t remember the guys name, said he was down in
Merthyr Tydfil..=0A> =0A> He was going to send a profile drawing, but as y
et I have seen nothing,=C2- do you know who he was?=C2- He had seen you
r panel which I cut for you last year..=0A> =0A> Regards=0A> =0A> Andy=0A
=0AAndy - I seem to recall a query on the Europa builders e-mail list a whi
le back, but I can't locate it just now. I'm copying this reply to the Euro
pa e-mail list in the hope that it will jog the appropriate person into get
ting in touch with you again.=0A=0AIs anyone on the Europa list in Merthyr
Tydfil trying to get in touch with Andy at Herbert Phillips about water-jet
cutting of an instrument panel?=0A=0AIncidentally, Andy, I must say how pl
eased I am with the results of your water-jet cutting. Here's a link to how
the panel looks now that I have had it anodized black, the labels laser-et
ched on it, and the instruments installed.=0A=0Ahttp://www.rowlandcarson.or
g.uk/aviation/europa_435/radio_panel_populated.php=0A=0Ain friendship=0A=0A
Rowland=0A=0A| Rowland Carson=C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- ... that's
Rowland with a 'w' ...=0A| <rowlandcarson@gmail.com>=C2- =C2- =C2-
=C2- =C2- =C2- http://www.rowlandcarson.org.uk/=0A| Skype, Twitter: r
owland_carson=C2- =C2- =C2- Facebook: Rowland Carson=0A| pictures: ht
=C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2