Unfortunately this has happened a fair few times, indeed to a mate of mine just
last year.
What happens is that the (rear mounted) gas strut twists the door frame a little
when it is open. Thus when the door is lowered to close it, it naturally wants
to take up a position where the bottom edge of the door is slightly too far
aft. This causes the rear edge of the door to remain outside of the door frame.
Positioned thus, when you lock the door the front shoot bolt locates normally
but the rear one locates itself OUTSIDE of the door frame. From inside
the front of the door looks normal and the lock handle looks and feels normal
too. Only by looking round behind you will you see that the rear edge of the
door is out of position. Of course air pressure on the door in flight will then
flex it slightly further rearwards and then it's game over (for the door).
I find when I close the door from the inside, when it's fully lowered I apply a
slight pressure forwards with a finger on the inside of the front edge of the
door and that moves the bottom of the door frame forward slightly and you can
literally hear and feel it pop into it's correct and fully fitted position. This
has really become an instinctive movement for me. I also look at both ends
of the door from the inside to ensure they are fully snug in position. After
locking it I press outwards on both front and back of each door as a final check
to ensure each end of the door is fully secure.
Whilst you will never know for sure, my uneducated opinion is that there is very
little load on a correctly closed door in flight and if both shoot bolts are
correctly engaged the door cannot possible come open by accident.
Good luck and best wishes for a speedy repair.
Classic Mono
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