=0A=0A<<<Nowadays we have technology on our side - and thread
locker>>>=0A=0AAnd wire locking!=0A=0ADMcF.=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A-----Original
Message-----=0AFrom: Nigel Graham <nigel_graham@m-tecque.co.uk>=0ATo: eu
ropa-list@matronics.com=0ASent: Sat, 5 Jul 2014 19:02=0ASubject: Re:
Europa-List: vibration effects on bolts=0A=0A=0AI couldn't help
smiling while reading this. =0AI am involved with the restorat
ion of a Jaguar XK120 and a few months back, visited an
ex Jaguar racing mechanic (well past retirement age) at his
immaculate workshop while searching for obscure bits. During a
very interesting discussion, he explained that years ago, Jags
were plagued with problems with the bell housing bolts backing
out during endurance races. The solution, discovered by trial
and error, was to replace the helical spring washer with
plain washers.=0AThese old timers know a thing or two!=0ANowaday
s we have technology on our side - and thread locker.=0A=0AN
igel=0A=0A=0AOn 05/07/2014 14:54, duanefamly@aol.com wrote:=0A=0A=0AThis
is a very interesting video. It shows how, even with lock
ing washers, bolts and nuts simply back-off under vibration. B
ut it stops there. No help about what to do to prevent t
his problem. More research, I guess.=0A =0AMike Duane=0A =0A =0A
-----Original Message-----=0AFrom: GRAHAM SINGLETON <grahamsingleton@bti
nternet.com>=0ATo: europa-list <europa-list@matronics.com>=0ASent: Sat,
Jul 5, 2014 4:16 am=0ASubject: Europa-List: vibration effects on
bolts=0A=0A=0A=0AAll=0Athis is a very interesting article explain
g how bolts loosen due to vibration.=0AVery interesting.=0A=0Ahttp
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