Thanks Alan - us 'Senior Members' remember being in awe of the then 'Senior
Members' of the Club when we bought our kits back in the 1990s. None of us
is special - we just have a bit more experience (in Europas) and enjoy
passing it on.
Glad you enjoyed yourself and I have used part of your email on the front
page of the website. I hope this is ok.
----- Original Message -----
From: "alan_hunter1664" <>
Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2014 6:17 AM
Subject: Europa-List: Re: AGM 12th July
> <>
> Steve,
> Thank you for making me feel very welcome yesterday. I had a great day and
> learned so much from everyone I spoke to. It was a privilege to meet some
> of the more senior members and great to be around so many completed
> Europas, it has boosted my enthusiasm to complete my build even further.
> For those Europa owners/builders that are not members of the Europa club I
> can thoroughly recommend membership. I found yesterday the intangible
> benefits are equal to or are even greater than the tangible!
> Thanks to all the committee for their hard work and hope to see you all
> again soon
> Alan
> Read this topic online here: