Originally Aveo USA dealers mentioned that just a simple 18 gauge wire
unshielded was enough for a simple strobe, nav, steady flashing unit
needed. However, whenever you have a pulsing electrical device noise is
a real concern. I would prefer to use a shielded wire on the strobe
side of the wire. I'm sure you have downloaded as much as you can on
the installation, but do look at some complaints about other strobe type
led operations on emergency vehicles etc and radio interference.
We try to do our due diligence but I prefer to be on the cautious side.
Here is a comment from
they are engineers in the lighting industry.
I quote:
However, although today=92s LEDs are capable of long life, and
delivering high light output levels with very little power consumption,
most need to be paired with a drive circuit to provide constant current
sourcing to operate in our homes and offices, and that=92s where the
problem comes in. These switching drive circuits operate at increasingly
higher frequencies, and in order to maintain the highest efficiency, and
highest LED longevity possible, they also need to maintain very high
slew rates<>. These factors
contribute to the overall unwanted emissions from each individual
lighting element, increasing the Electromagnetic background noise. End
This noise is in the VHF range so I have probably overcautiously decided
to install shielded wire. The Aveo circuitry is in the light itself and
a long way away from your radio gear, but noise is unwanted in a system.
Even the flap motor, so twisted pairs at a minimum should be used. See
the guys on the wiring installation attached. I talked to them. I
tested the lights near my handheld radio and they are clean until a foot
or so away, and when paired together in sync make a slight pulsed hiss.
Now if you run the blue wire to put the strobes in sync that is a long
pulsing wire. Probably should shield that one at a minimum. If you can
shield both pulsed lights and tie the shield to your main ground bus and
leave it open at the light it should work.
Some RV guys are using non shielded wire and have no complaints. Some
Zenith guys are having issues. But they both use the airframe as a
ground. We use a separate ground wire which if properly done helps with
Bud Yerly
----- Original Message -----
From: Tony Renshaw<>
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 6:40 AM
Subject: Europa-List: Shielded Strobe Light Query
I am using AveoflashLP Ultra Aurora Nav/Strobe lights, that have their
flasher units within the lights. There is 4 cables coming from each
strobe, and to get quad core shielded is very hard, and expensive. The
suppliers don=92t mention in their installation documentation that you
need shielded wiring, and yet when pushed, they do. I am wondering if I
just shield the positive cable, or whether I need to also shield the
negative/earth, and the =93phase wire=94 which goes to each strobe to
keep them synchronised. I=92d be interested on what anyone thinks, and
in fact whether shielding them all together could introduce a specific
problem rather than just having one or two of the wires shielded.
Tony Renshaw
Sydney Aussie<