So here i am again posting on our forum, to ask questions which can not be
by the company who made my kit. Before i continue i would like to say
i drove a 1960's BMW and went into BMW's today to ask for a part,
for that 50 year old car, they would look on their computer or micro fish and
tell me "we dont have that in stock but we can get it for you" or words to that
effect. The reason for this is because they have a drawing of it, which can
be recalled, to either order one OR make one. HOWEVER after a disappointing
call to europa today i find out that they do not have technical drawings
for the port and stbd radiators that were used on the original classic. In their
defence, or rather Karen's defense, i don't expect them to have any on the
shelf (which she did have, just one possibly port) but i do expect that they
drawings of them for existing customers who are flying their machines and
will, at some point, experience failure.
So to my question. I am building kit 165 a europa classic. I have the
cowls and want to use them as i like the look of them as opposed to the XS
style or Nev's new design (no offense nev) BUT europa are unable to supply me
with drawings and measurement's so that i can get the two radiators fabricated.
I am also fitting a Rotax 914 engine.
Has anyone got drawings for the rads that i can use to get some made?
Or has anyone got the rads and wouldn't mind lending them to me to so i can
get copies made? Or has someone done something else?
Also staying on the engine theme i would like to fit an inter cooler
and would like to know from others who have this fitted where you got it and
rough cost please? Many thanks to all. A Frustrated builder, Frank X.
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