Alfred=0ANo, the airloads are (almost) balanced by the bearings of the flap
pivots. =0AThe pivots are on the same line as the airload vector of the fl
ap so there is no=0Aforce acting to raise or lower the flap.=0AThe bungee t
hen has only to- balance the weight of the main gear.=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A__
______________________________=0A From: A. Buess Aviatik <ykibuess@bluewin.
ch>=0ATo: =0ASent: Sunday, 24 August 2014, 9:32
=0ASubject: AW: Europa-List: Re: Bungee Cord=0A =0A=0A--> Europa-List messa
ge posted by: "A. Buess Aviatik" <>=0A=0AHi Jonathan and
list members,=0A=0AYou mentioned " IMHO the bungee is set right when the u
c/flap lever can=0A"float" approximately in the middle of the gate with air
loads": =0A=0ADoes this mean that the air loads will compensate the weight
of the flaps?=0AThe bungee tension of my aircraft lifts the undercarriage
to the middle=0Aposition without any force applied, if the wings are NOT fi
tted. Is this=0Aenough? Or should the bungee also help to lift the flaps?
=0A=0ARegards, Alfred=0A=A8=A8=A8=A8=A8=A8=A8=A8=A8=A8=A8=A8=A8=A8=A8=A8=A8
=A8=A8=A8=A8=A8=A8=A8=A8=A8=A8=A8=A8=A8=A8=A8=A8=0AAlfred Buess=0ACH-3700 S
piez, Switzerland=0AEuropa XS HB-YKI, Ercoupe 415-E N94804=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A