Alan=2CWhy not get someone to push down on the tail or tie to a tiedown at
the arfield. Then you can check if the leg is loose. There are two AN4 bolt
s holding it in place. If they are loose=2C just drill another hole.Karl
> Subject: Europa-List: Re: Sideways movement in Tri Gear nose wheel arm.
> From:
> Date: Wed=2C 27 Aug 2014 15:41:34 -0700
> To:
> Hi All.
> Many thanks for the web link=2C I can see the nose wheel assembly=2C
> I have a spring damping system and no bungee straps.
> My nose wheel is fairly stiff=2C I don=2Ct know if its 20 lbs or a bit mo
re=2C but
> I prefer it on the stiff side=2C although taxing is a little harder on th
e finger brakes.
> I have not examined it yet=2C but my guess is: the nose wheel leg itself
turning=2C?? movement in the leg where it connects to the main frame.
> and nothing to do with the housing or bearings.
> Is there some pins or bolts going thru the nose gear leg at top end of th
e leg?
> Hi Bob=2C I have not been on the forum for some time you may have noticed
> My little dog Sunny died at Christmas and I tied so hard to fix him but I
couldn't=2C it hit me hard=2C but I hope to be joining it the forum again.
> Alan
> Read this topic online here: